

We are pleased to share with our members our new BDMHA Vision and Mission statements. These statements truly reflect who we are as a hockey association, our values and what we are trying to accomplish together.

Over the last year, the new executive recognized that Bedford Minor Hockey required vision and mission statements and ones that would truly reflect who we are as a hockey association, our values and what we are trying to accomplish.

In order to achieve this,  we reached out to members across all levels of the association and held strategic planning sessions throughout the 2013-14 season.

After many meetings, debates, and great discussions we are pleased to share the BDMHA Vision and Mission Statements with you.

As volunteers, it is our hope that our collective efforts over the course of the hockey season can all work towards achieving the same thing. We trust our efforts to articulate a BDMHA Vision and Mission statements ultimately supports our hockey association and its members in this manner. 


If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please reach out to our VP Operations, Ken Lenihan (k.lenihan@bedfordblues.com)


Bedford and District Minor Hockey Association