
League News


2023 AGM Agenda & Proposed Constitutional Amendments - Update!!


The Annual General Meeting of BDMHA is set for Saturday  June 24, 2023 @ 2PM – CPA High School Cafeteria. We encourage all members to attend as we will have an election for the VP of Competitive and VP of Operations positions along with a vote on proposed Constitutional changes.

***HRM 4-Pad Multi-Purpose Room is now being used for Red Cross relief due to the wildfires.

The Constitutional Committee has finalized the items that they would like proposed for ratification by the membership, which can be found HERE.  The Executive would like to thank the Committee for their hard work and for getting these changes ratified in time for a vote at the AGM.

Additional Constitutional Amendments proposed by members other than the Consitutional Committee can be found below

  • Amendment to Article VI, VII, VIII, X, XIX - HERE
  • Amendment to Article X & Article XVIII - HERE 

 AGM Agenda:


1.     Call to order by the President

2.     Roll call of the members (circulate sign-up sheet)

3.     Reading and Approval of previous minutes

4.     President’s Report

5.     Vice President Operations Report

6.     Division Vice President’s Report

7.     VP Finance Report

8.     Presentation of next season’s budget and fee structure

9.     Awards Committee – Announcement of 2023 Awards

10.  Resolutions and Discussions

a.     Constitutional Update Review

                                                    i.     Motion to accept proposed changes

                                                   ii.     2nd to accept proposed changes

                                                 iii.     Vote on Proposed Changes

b.     Other Discussions as requested by Membership

11.  Election of Executive Officers for the next season

12.  New Business

13.  Adjournment



Jason Foster

BDMHA President

May 27, 2023