
Player Assistance


If you, or know of someone that may require financial aid for registration, there are a number of options available to you. Below are some funding programs that may be able to help.

  • KidSport. click HERE
  • Jump Start, click HERE
  • Hockey Canada Assist Fund, click HERE

BDMHA Player Assistance Fund

BDMHA has established a fund to raise money and distribute funds to members of the association who without our help, would not be able to have their child participate in minor hockey due to financial resaons.

This fund is designed to assist with general registration expenses and gear purchases.

The Player Assistance Fund is managed by a Committee which operates independent of BDMHA and will not be required to disclose the names of those requesting assistance.  

How to contact us:

To submit a request to the PAF, please (CLICK HERE)

Contact the Player Assistance Fund directly at bdmha.playerassistance@gmail.com