
League News


2024 Executive Nominations & AGM


The Annual General Meeting of BDMHA is currently set for Wednesday, June 12th, 2024 @ 7PM – Location TBD

As part of each BDMHA AGM, a slate of executives for the 2024/2025 season is gathered by a nomination committee.  Article IX of our current constitution states the following with respect to the nomination committee

There shall be a nominating committee consisting of four (4) members, including the Past President as chairperson, to be appointed by the Executive Officers at least two (2) months in advance of the Annual General meeting, tasked with the responsibility of developing a slate of Executive Officers to be presented at the Annual General Meeting;

Our current past president Jason Hale cannot hold the chairperson position of the nomination committee due to a conflict of interest with his role at HNS; Thus the Executive Officers met and agreed a former member of the executive not currently holding a position on the board should chair this committee.

With that decision, the Executive Officers unanimously appointed the following people to be the 4 members of the Nomination committee:

  • Jeff Christian (Former VP Finance BDMHA) – Chair
  • Matt Oxford (Current BDMHA Administrator)
  • Darren Martell (Member at Large)
  • Nick Finney (Member at Large).

The Nominating Committee will recruit for and accept applications for Executive Officer positions up to midnight of May 17th, 2024.  For a list of Executive positions and the qualifications required to hold these positions please see Article VI of the current BDMHA Constitution.

Nominees for Executive Officer positions will be posted on the Association website on or before midnight May 22rd, 2024 (weeks prior to the AGM).

Members of the Association may nominate qualified individuals for Executive Officer positions by providing written notice to the nominations committee in the form of an email to nominations@bedfordblues.com

The nomination must include the following:

  • the name of the individual being nominated;
  • the position for which they are nominated;
  • the consent of the nominee to serve in the position if elected; and,
  • the signatures of not less than five (5) members in good standing indicating their support for the nominee.

If there is only one nominee for a position as an Executive Officer, that nominee will be appointed to the position by acclamation at the Annual General Meeting.

Should two or more nominations exist for a position as an Executive Officer, a vote will be held to determine who will hold the position for the next year. More details to follow on process once the nominations are announced. The association will consider in-person and online options for voting.


BDMHA 2024 Executive Officers


Apr 29, 2024