
League News


2023 AGM Rescheduled - Important Update


Attention Members,

Bedford Minor Hockey Association knows the current situation within our community weighs heavy on our hearts and our thoughts remain with the families affected by these wildfires and the brave firefighters, volunteers, and first responders who have been working tirelessly to combat the wildfires.

The BDMHA 2023 AGM was slated to be held at 2pm on Saturday, June 10th at the HRM 4-pad.  The Red Cross has established a base of operations in the HRM 4-Pad and we are no longer able to hold our meeting there.  BDMHA as an association has several important topics to discuss, including 6 constitutional amendments and elections for the Vice President of Competitive and Vice President of Operations.  Given the current logistics and this unimaginable time, we don’t want people to worry about hockey, and we don’t want to take any focus away from the tremendous efforts still required to get our community through these wildfires.

For these reasons the BDMHA Executive held an emergency meeting on Sunday June 4th to discuss if postponing the AGM for two weeks was the right thing to do, and it was agreed that moving the AGM to Saturday, June 24th was appropriate.  The AGM will now be held on Saturday June 24th @ 2pm, the location will be the CPA (High School) Cafeteria. The AGM power point slides and annual report will be made available to the membership on or before Monday, June 19th. 

***VOTING - The voting process will take place at the AGM during the designated point listed on the agenda. Only those in attendance at the AGM can vote. Voter eligibility is noted below. Voting will be held between 1:30 - 3:30 pm. One you cast your vote, you may leave at your discretion. 

A parent or legal guardian who has a child registered with the Association, and has paid all annual registration fees plus has no other outstanding fees owed within the Association, will be considered a member in good standing of the Association and may exercise the right to vote at the annual general meeting (one vote per family). Those viewing the meeting virtually will not be eligible to vote. We will have a master player list based on the Hockey Canada Registry which should include parent/guardian names. If your name is not associated with any players on the master list, you will not be eligible to vote. Members should be able update their player's contact information through their Spordle/HCR accounts. 

***LIVE STREAMING - we will live stream the AGM for those that cannot attend physically. However, those viewing the meeting virtually will not be permitted to participate in any discussion or vote for executive officers. The live stream link will be provided to membership on or before Monday, June 19th and will be located on the Bedford Blues page HERE

Finally, The Canadian Red Cross has set up a fundraising page to assist the hockey families in the Tantallon, Hammonds Plains and Bedford area. The Federal Government will match every donation received. If you are able to donate to this very important cause, please do so at this link:


Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by these wildfires.


Jason Foster
On behalf of the BDMHA Executive

Jun 7, 2023